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We wanted to take a moment to express our gratitude for your continued support and loyalty. Our customers are the backbone of our business, and we truly appreciate you.

Your trust in our products drives us to constantly strive for excellence and innovation. As a token of our appreciation, we want to inform you about an upcoming pause in our shipping operations.

Shipping Pause Notification: Please note that from August 1, 2024, to August 17, 2024, we will have a shipping stoppage due to our company holiday break. During this period, we will not be processing or dispatching any orders.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding. Orders placed during this time will be processed as soon as we resume operations on August 18, 2024.

Once again, thank you for being a part of our amazing community. Your support means the world to us, and we look forward to seeing you soon.

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Our Story

@ Headshot-Concentrates, we're committed to excellence, which is why we source only the finest raw materials globally. Our mission is to craft uniquely exceptional products, offering an unparalleled taste experience with every use. We dedicate months to meticulously refining our flavor blends, ensuring they deliver the most authentic taste possible.

It is with great pride that we declare all our products are MADE IN AUSTRIA, embodying the highest standards of quality and craftsmanship.

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Strawberry-Balsamico Ice Cream

Strawberry-Balsamico Ice Cream

Zutaten Zutaten für 4 Personen Erdbeeren frisch 500 G Zucker 80 G Eigelb 3 Sahne 200 ml Milch 200 ml Vanillepulver 0,25 TL oder 1 Mark von Vanilleschote etwas Erdbeersirup 2 EL Crema di Balsamico 1 TL Legio - I (Optional) 0,25-0,5 % Nährwertangaben: Angaben pro 100g kJ...


Chocolate-Pistachio Ice Cream

Chocolate-Pistachio Ice Cream

Zutaten Zutaten für 8 Personen Schokolade Zartbitter mit Pistazien 100 Gramm Milchschokolade mit karamellisierten Pistazien 100 Gramm Eigelb 2 Gesteckt Backzucker 20 Gramm Frangelico Likör Nocciola 100 ml Haselnußcreme 100 Gramm Mandelmilch 100 ml Sahne 500 ml Regentschaft Lyon – Kronos (optional) 0,5 % Nährwertangaben: Angaben pro 100g kJ...


Mango Tango - Ice Cream

Mango Tango - Ice Cream

Zutaten Zutaten für 4 Personen Sahne 10% Fett 200 Milliliter Naturjoghurt 100 Gramm reife Mango 1 Gesteckt Vanillezucker 1 Päckchen Noble Psycho – Gold (Optional) 0,25-0,5 % Zitronensaft etwas   Nährwertangaben: Angaben pro 100g kJ (kcal): 452 (108) Eiweiß: 3,1 g Kohlenhydrate: 7,3 g Fett:...
